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Recruitment of Postal Assistants/ Sorting Assistants, Postman and Multi-tasking Staff

Postal_APAppointment of Meritorious Sports persons in the Department of Posts in the cadre of Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant, Postman and Multi Tasking Staff in AP Postal Region.

It is hereby informed to all concerned that the notification dated 19.12.2014 issued as regards Sports recruitment and published in news papers 20.12.2014 edition is treated as cancelled.

Fresh notification inviting applications from meritorious Sports Persons in the disciplines listed in Annexure – I for appointment as Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant/PACO/PA SBCO for the years 2011 to 2014 and for appointment as Postman for the years 2011& 2012 and Multi Tasking Staff for the year 2009-2012 and for the unfilled vacancies of the years 2009 to 2010 in Postal Assistant / Postman cadre are hereby called for under sports quota against the vacancies as shown in Annexure-I.

  1. The details of vacancies are indicated in the Annexure-I.
    1. Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant PA CO/ PA SBCO : 57
    2. Postman : 38
    3. Multi Tasking Staff : 10
  2. Meritorious Sports Candidates will be selected for appointment based on the instructions contained in the Department of Personnel & Training OM no. 14015/1/76-ESTT.(D) dated 04.08.1980 as amended from time to time.
  3. Order of Preference: Please refer the official notification (Available in “LINKS” below)


  1. Age for the Vacancies of PA/SA/PACO/PA SBCO/ Postman & Multi Tasking Staff: 18 to 27 years as on 21.06.2015
    1. Upper age limit is relaxable as follows:
      For OC- upto 5 years
      For OBC-upto 8 years
      For SC/ST-upto 10 years

Educational Qualifications

  1. Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant :
    1. 10+2 Standard or 12th class pass from recognized University/Board of School Education Board of Secondary Education with English as a compulsory subject (excluding vocational streams),
    2. Should have studied local language of the State of Andhra Pradesh / Telangana States or Hindi as a subject at least in Matriculation or equivalent.
  2. Postman :- A Pass in Matriculation / 10th Standard from a recognized Board/University
  3. Multi Tasking Staff:- A Pass in Matriculation or ITI or equivalent from a recognized Board/University.

Scale of Pay

  1. Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant :- Rs. 5200-20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2400+ admissible allowance
  2. Multi Tasking Staff :- Rs.5200 — 20200 + grade Pay Rs.1800+ admissible allowance
  3. POSTMAN :- Rs. 5200 -20200 + grade pay Rs.2000 + admissible allowance

APPLICATION FEES: Rs.100 (Rupees Hundred Only)

Last Date for Receipt of Filled Applications: 21st June 2015


  1. Download Application Format
  2. Fill all the applicable details (in English.)
    1. Category for which applied should be specifically mentioned.
    2. Attach the followings:
      1. Photo copies duly attested by a Gazetted Officer should be sent:
        1. Copy of All marks lists of Education qualifications.
        2. Proof in respect of Sports qualification/achievements.
        3. Proof for Date of birth.
        4. Caste/Community Certificate in the prescribed form for SC, ST and OBC candidates issued by competent authorities (Please see Appendix II and III).
        5. 2 latest identical Pass Port Size Photographs (one to be pasted on the application and the other sent loose with name and address written on the reverse).
        6. Discharge certificate in case of ex-servicemen or prescribed certificate in case of serving Armed Forces Personnel, if any.
        7. Duly filled in Application Form itself with signed under taking form.
        8. The Applicants have to enclose a self addressed envelope, size 9″ X 4′ duly affixing a postage stamp of Rs.17/- for local ( within same town address) candidates and Rs 40/- for outstation candidates along with the application.
      2. All the Applicants have to pay an application fee of Rs.100/– (Rupees One Hundred only) and it should be deposited/ paid in any Post Office in A.P. Postal Circle under UCR only and submit original receipt along with application.
      3. In case of candidates residing outside A.P Postal Circle candidates have to enclose an Indian Postal Order of value of Rs. 100/- (Rupees One hundred only) in favour of Chief Postmaster General, A.P. Circle, Hyderabad-500001
  3. Applications to be superscribed as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF POSTAL/SORTING ASSISTANT/ POSTMAN / MTS IN A.P. POSTAL CIRCLE UNDER SPORTS QUOTA” and to be sent to Chief Postmaster General, AP Circle, Hyderabad-500001.
  4. The applications should be sent through Speed Post /Registered Post Only. Those sent through any other means, private couriers , by Unregistered post and given by hand shall not be accepted.


  1. Official Notification and Application Format (Download)

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