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KPTCL Recruitment of Junior Station Assistants and Junior Lineman Posts

KPTCL_JuneKarnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited (KPTCL) has published notification for inviting online applications for the Junior Station Assistants (JSA) in KPTCL and Junior Line Man (JLM) posts in BESCOM, MESCOM, CESCOM, HESCOM AND GESCOM.

Vacancy Details:

  1. Junior Station Assistants (JSA) in KPTCL
  2. Junior Line Man (JLM)

Total 8080 Posts

  1. Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited (KPTCL) : 1300 Posts
  2. Bangalore Power Supply Company Limited (BESCOM) : 1275 Posts
  3. Gulbarga Power Supply Company Limited (GESCOM) : 1213 Posts
  4. Mangalore Power Supply Company Limited (MESCOM) : 2030 Posts
  5. Hubballi Power Supply Company Limited (HESCOM) : 1405 Posts
  6. Chamundeshwari Power Supply Company Limited, Mysore (CESCOM) : 857 Posts

Eligibilty Qualification:

  1. SSLC/ 10th Standard Pass
  2. Additional details will be provided soon.

Important Note:

  1. One candidate can apply for ANY ONE company or corporation only
  2. Endurance Test will be conducted at the same time in KPTCL and All Power Supply Companies.

Other Details:

  1. Classification of Posts, Reservations, Age, Salary, Eligibilities, etc will be notified after 12.06.2015
  2. Last Date for Online Registration will be notified after 12.06.2015.



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  1. Rithesh says:


  2. Darshan says:


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  9. Basanagoud s biradar says:

    thank’s for ur infarmeson sar.

  10. vinay says:

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