Karnataka Lokaseva Ayoga [KPSC]

KPSC- FDA / SDA Examinations 2015 : Exam Time Table Released

Karnataka Public Service Commission (KPSC) of Govt. of Karnataka, has released the time table for the examination for First Division Assistants (FDA) and Second Division Assistants (SDA) recruitment 2015.


KINDLY ATTENTION: Dear Candidates, CoastalHut Team apologies for the wrongly statement given on part of the Compulsory Kannada Test (Paper -1).  Candidates those who have studied Kannada as a 1st, 2nd or optional subject in SSLC or above courses NOT required to appear for Compulsory Kannada Test (Paper -1).  Applicants only needs to appear those the papers which is displayed in the actual admit cards. [Updated on: 24.09.2015]

Also See:

  1. Notification: KPSC Recruitment 2015: Total 2464 Posts
  2. KPSC Examination for FDA / SDA – Syllabus & Model Question Papers

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  1. venugopal says:

    when was issued hall ticket for SDA exam…?

  2. Raju says:

    Hi Coastal hut team,

    Computer sakharate Exam is for FDA or SDA?when ll Exam started for FDA and SDA Candidates? FDA & SDA Applied Candidates are having only 3 Exam right that is General knowledge,General Kannada and General English. kindly suggest on this.i am little confuse of this timetable.

  3. A N PATHAN says:

    new posts by email

  4. sandeep gawade says:

    HELLO SIR i have applied for FDA exam. Pls mail me all details regarding it.

  5. pooja says:

    Gv the time table in english plzz…

  6. MANOHAR H S says:

    sir when will be hall ticket uploaded on net???

  7. rajesh says:

    when issue the all tickets

  8. Raju says:

    Hi Coastal hut team,

    I have Applied for FDA and SDA(4 )Posts also so kindly suggest when ll start first Exam? and what all are Exam have to face?

    • For FDA : Paper 1 (Exam Date: 03/10/2015) and Paper 2 & Paper 3 (Exam Date: 04/10/2015)
      For SDA : Paper 1 [common for SDA & FDA] (Exam Date: 03/10/2015) and Paper 2 & Paper 3 (Exam Date: 18/10/2015)

  9. Hemalatha Shankar says:

    Will der b any change in d examination date

  10. parmesh says:

    Hi I have not applied compulsury kannada exam plz cear me which papers should I attend in the “FDA” exam

  11. parmesh says:

    Hi I have not applied compulsury kannada exam plz cear me which papers should I attend in the fda

  12. siddaraj says:

    sir I have applied for SDA post but the time table given is paper 4 is computer and samanaya Kannada paper 2 what about that

  13. kiran says:

    Hai coastal hut team,
    Whn will issue the exam call letter for FDA examination. Plz help me

  14. Bhavya says:

    Dear Sir,
    I have forget to download the my application form
    Is it necessary document bring while selection time. Kindly review and guide me on this as soon as possible.

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