Degree / Graduate JobsKarnataka Lokaseva Ayoga [KPSC]PUC / 10+2 Jobs

KPSC Recruitment for Group C Posts – Examination Dates (Provisional) Announced

Karnataka Public Service Commission (KPSC) / Karnataka Lokaseva Ayoga announces the tentative examination dates for the Non Technical Posts of Group “C”.   KPSC had been notified the detailed vacancies on 03.03.2016. The detailed notification of the KPSC Examination for Non Technical Posts of Group C are given below:


Schedule for Posts with Graduate Level Educational Qualifications



Librarian in Dept. of Public Library

10.00 AM to 11.30 AM


Common Paper

Commercial Tax inspector in the Department of Commercial Tax
Graduate Assistants/ Teachers (different subjects) in the Blind Children School in the Dept. of Rehabilitation of Disabled and Senior Citizen
Graduate Assistants in different subjects in the Deaf, Children School in the Dept. of Rehabilitation of Disabled and Senior Citizen
Assistant Employment Officer in the Department of Employment and Training
Accountant in the Dept. of Municipal Administration (Corporations)
Accountant in the Dept. of Municipal Administration (Urban Local Bodies)
Data Compilers and Enumerators in the Department of Industries and Commerce
Co-operative Inspector in the Dept. of Cooperation
Accounts Assistant in Karnataka State Audit & Accounts Department

2.00 PM to 4.00 PM


Optional Paper

Hostel Superintendent (Male) in Backward Classes Welfare Department
Hostel Superintendent (Women) in Backward Classes Welfare Department
First Grade Revenue Inspector in the Dept. of Municipal Administration (Corporations)
First Grade Revenue Inspector in the Dept. of Municipal Administration (Urban Local Bodies)
Marketing Supervisors in Dept. of Agricultural Marketing
Horticulture Inspector in the Dept. of Municipal Administration (Corporations)
Auditors in Department of Cooperative Audit



Compulsory Kannada Language Test for all Group-C Posts. (Only for candidates without having relaxation)

Compulsory Kannada Language Test

2.00 PM to 5.00 PM

Schedule for Posts with Below Graduate Level Educational Qualifications



Assistant Librarian in Department of AYUSH

10.00 AM to 11.30 AM


Common Paper

Music Teacher Grade-2 in the Dept. of Rehabilitation of Disabled and Senior Citizen
Horticulture Assistant in the Dept. of Municipal Administration (Corporations)
Non-Graduate Assistants in the Deaf, Children School in the Dept. of Rehabilitation of Disabled and Senior Citizen
Non-Graduate Assistants in the Blind Children School in the Dept. of Rehabilitation of Disabled and Senior Citizen
Orientation and Mobility Instructor Grade-2 in the blind children School in the Dept. of Rehabilitation of Disabled and Senior Citizen 2.00 PM to 4.00 PM



Optional Paper

Bill Collector in the Dept. of Municipal Administration (Corporations)
Bill Collector in the Dept. of Municipal Administration (Local Bodies)
Music Teacher Grade-3 in the Dept. of Rehabilitation of Disabled and Senior Citizen
Junior Accounts Assistant in Karnataka State Audit & Accounts Department


Note: As the request for additional posts in this category, Examination schedule for Female Supervisors in Women and Child Development Department posts no included in this.


[mks_button size=”medium” title=”OFFICIAL EXAM NOTIFICATION ” style=”squared” url=” table of group c technl posts.pdf” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#2db700″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-arrow-circle-right” icon_type=”fa”] [mks_button size=”medium” title=”EMPLOYMENT NOTIFICATION” style=”squared” url=”” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#2db700″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-arrow-circle-right” icon_type=”fa”]

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  1. Ravi says:

    Hi all, please somebody tell what is syllabus for General kannada? , General English ?….

    please note: This time all should write both. (35 marks general kannada , 35 marks General English so..)

    so please , please let me know..

  2. rammith says:

    please send me the link to download kpsc recruipment exam admit card.

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