Karnataka Lokaseva Ayoga (Karnataka Public Service Commission- KPSC) invites online applications for the various posts in Karnataka. The KPSC Recruitment includes the 442 positions of First Division Assistants (FDA), Senior Assistants in Karnataka Food and Civil Supplies Board and 381 positions of Second Division Assistants (SDA), Junior Assistants in Karnataka Food and Civil Supplies Board.
Online Application for First Division Assistants & Second Division Assistants Examinations -2017
VACANCY DETAILS: Total 823 (442+381) Posts
[mks_one_half]POST NAME[/mks_one_half]
[mks_one_half]EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION[/mks_one_half]
[mks_one_half]First Division Assistants[/mks_one_half]
[mks_one_half]Any Degree (Bachelor Degree) from recognized universities established in India or equivalent course (Please refer the official notification (available below) for the additional details)[/mks_one_half]
[mks_one_half]Senior Assistants (KFCSC)[/mks_one_half]
[mks_one_half]Any Degree (Bachelor Degree) from recognized universities established in India or equivalent course (Please refer the official notification (available below) for the additional details)[/mks_one_half]
[mks_one_half]Junior Assistants (KFCSC) [/mks_one_half]
[mks_one_half]Must Pass PUC from Karnataka Pre University Department or equivalent qualifications such as ITI and other Three Years Diploma Courses (10+2 from Open University is NOT valid)[/mks_one_half]
[mks_one_half]Second Division Assistants[/mks_one_half]
[mks_one_half]Must Pass PUC from Karnataka Pre University Department or equivalent qualifications such as ITI and other Three Years Diploma Courses (10+2 from Open University is NOT valid)[/mks_one_half]
- FDA & Senior Assistants: Rs.14550 to Rs.26700
- SDA & Junior Assistants: Rs.11600 to Rs.21000
AGE LIMIT (As on 04.01.2017)
- Minimum Age : 18 Years Completed
- Maximum Age:
- GM : 35 Years
- 2A / 2B / 3A / 3B : 38 Years
- SC / ST / Cat-1 : 40 Years
- GM (General Merit) : Rs.300
- 2A / 2B / 3A / 3B : Rs.150/-
- SC / ST / Cat-1 / PwD / Ex Servicemen : Rs.25/-
- Last Date for Online Registration:
04.01.201706.01.2017 by Night 11.45 p.m. - Last Date to Pay Exam Fees in Post Offices/E-Payment :
05.01.201707.01.2017 (Before Post Office Timings) or 11.45 p.m (for e-payment) - Tentative Examination Dates :
- Competitive Examinations for FDA / Senior Assistants : 05.02.2017
- Compulsory Kannada Exams for FDA/SDA and Computer Literacy Test for Senior/Junior Assistants : 11.02.2017
- Competitive Examinations for SDA / Junior Assistants : 12.02.2017
Help Line: 8197367453, 9901234490, 8904985941, 8951107408, 9986760557, 7259270641
© This job is originally posted in : coastalhut.com
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Thank you
Andhra people may apply for this post ?
I am from ap . . but i studied kannada upto puc in ap only. . . . plzzzz anyone reply me.
Yes.. you can apply..
Although, We recommend you to read the official notification completely before applying.
Diploma in mechanical engg student can also apply for this post
Students can not apply. If you complete the Diploma, then you can apply.
What is the pay scale for both posts….???
We have updated above.. Please find the details of Pay Scale for FDA and SDA posts given above.
thank you swamy
Diploma medical laboratory technician can also apply for this post
Yes! But only if the diploma course is of 3 years duration and recognized by law.
Sir my engineering course will be completed on next year on month of May…can I apply for this post…
You can apply based on PUC/12th Standard Qualification for Second Division Assistant (SDA) / Junior Assistant positions in KPSC
Hi Admin.
Does the Compulsory Kannada rule stays or its been changed for FDA/SDA 2017 exams? I mean should i attend the exams or not if i have scored more than 50marks?
Bharath, Compulsory Kannada rules remains unchanged. If you passed Kannada as First/Second/Optional Subject in SSLC/PUC/Degree, not required to appear for Compulsory Kannada Paper. If you are not belongs to the above category, you must secure minimum 50 marks in Compulsory Kannada Paper in 2017.
Thanks. I have 85 marks in Kannada in my 10th Std…
Can a final year engineering student apply for this???
I am a final year cse student.
We’ve already responded on this above for some other’s query.
Well, If you are applying for FDA/Senior Assistants positions, you must complete the Degree or equivalent qualification. Since you have completed PUC/12th, you are eligible for SDA / Junior Assistants positions in KPSC.
sir diploma peopl are they eligibl for dis post. if they are eligible thn at whch post thy cn apply. i mean fda r sda
Please see the qualifications details given above.
please upload south western railway Recruitment 2016-17 for BA,B.com, and any degree Holders..please..sir
Sir iam completed joc may I apply sda
JOC is not considered for SDA. Only PUC, ITI or 3 Year Diploma are considered.
What are the study materials to be referred to appear the competitive exam which is on 12-2-2017.
Wen ur going to release junior lineman results score cards please tell us sir we are waiting very much..
Fda old question papers send me..
sir, JOC people are apply for this post
can you share link to apply for fda and sda exam
sir,i hv completed my B.A degree.. am 2B catogory also. Can i apply kpsc first division assistant post..?
Yes you can..
sir, one more question.. i got second class marks in pu level n 57 percentange in degree only.. i dont hv computer knowledge certificate also.. Now can i eligible for this post or what..? reply me sir plzzzz..
Yes. Computer Knowledge Certificate is not necessary for FDA/SDA posts. But for Senior Assistants/Junior Assistants posts, you are required to attend the Computer Literacy Test, which will be conducted by KPSC on 11.02.2017. Again, Computer Knowledge Certificate is not necessary for these posts too.
Sir I studied diploma in computer science in diploma BT only 2 years & I studied puc in open university can I apply this post
Sorry. You does not fulfill the minimum eligibility criteria.
sir ,i completed my BE,In puc hindi n english AS languages can i apply for jobspriyanjk
Yes. You can..
Hello sir plsss send mi SDA selebus for studying …..
diploma mechanical engg people can apply
You can try for SDA and Junior Assistants posts…
Sir my degree is going to completed on April 2017….can i apply for SDA??
Yes Halesha..
hi i’m compleated my 2 years ITI and i done my diploma in 2 years based on ITI wt can i do…………..?
You can apply for SDA and Junior Assistants with ITI qualification.
I am complete M.com in 2014,am eligibility for this exam
I have completed B. E In electronics and communication stream… But I completed it in 6 years with first class result… Can I apply for this?
You are eligible for apply to all the posts under this recruitment.
Sir I completed g n m nursing I can also applie know sir. Plzzz any one can help me
You are requested to contact the above helpline number for assistance.
Sir its to apply differant chalan for sda and fda post plz tell
If you applied for both FDA and SDA, you are required to pay TWO challans separately either online or offline.
I am stuided upto 10 kannada medium is is there necessary to attend kannada exam. For junior post. And i completed diploma in CS can i apply.
Please read the official notification. It’s in Kannada!
sir already i m registered. but i m not attched photo and sign,,, still it pending today i tried website din,t open sir still now… what i do sir last day tommrow only sir plzzz help me sir.
Last date for Online Registration is revised at KPSC application to 06.01.2017
Sir what is tha amount of genaral pay
What need apply to application
Sir, what is that computer literacy test?? About basic computer skills?
Sir I applied for SDA with only photo not wigh signature is there any problem.?
As per the clear instructions from KPSC, the photo with sign in the bottom required to upload. We suggest you to contact the KPSC helpline for assistance.
While uploading the documents for FDA SDA post (SSLC, degree certificates), preview is not shown.it shows PDF symbol. Uploading status shown right mark.is it ok. Can I move further.
Tell me any clarification.
This issues was started from 04.01.2017. You may contact the KPSC helpline for assistance.
What’s d syllabus
For FDA and SDA
Can we apply simultaneously for fds & sda? if yes, can u plz tell me the total fees to be paid if applied for both fda & sda togerher.
Hello Sir, Can you help with the dimensions for signature, I can see 35 mm in notification can you clarify height and width size. Thank you.
Please refer the notification
how to pay for SDA…..is there separate fee for SDA OR what
What is the selection process Second Division Assistants
ನಾನು ಈಗಾಗಲೇ ನೆಟ್ ಬ್ಯಾಂಕಿಂಗ್ ಮುಖಾಂತರ ಶುಲ್ಕ ಪಾವತಿಸಿರುತ್ತೇನೆ. ಅದಕ್ಕೆ ನನ್ನ ಬಳಿ ಯಾವ ಪುರಾವೆಯೂ ಇರುವುದಿಲ್ಲ ಮತ್ತು ಪುಬಹ ಅಂಚೆ ಕಚೇರಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಶುಲ್ಕ ಪಾವತಿಸ ಬೇಕೇ?
ಪುನಹ ಶುಲ್ಕ ಪಾವತಿಸುವ ಅವಶ್ಯಕತೆಯಿಲ್ಲ. ನಿಮ್ಮ ಲಾಗಿನ್ ಬಳಸಿ ಶುಲ್ಕ ಪಾವತಿಯ ಸ್ಟೇಟಸ್ ಅನ್ನು ತಿಳಿದುಕೊಂಡು ಅರ್ಜಿ ಶುಲ್ಕ ಪಾವತಿಯಾಗಿರುವುದನ್ನು ಖಚಿತಪಡಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳಿರಿ. ಇದೇ ಪ್ರಪ್ರಥಮ ಬಾರಿಗೆ ಆನ್-ಲೈನ್ ಪಾವತಿಯ ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥೆಯನ್ನು ಕಲ್ಪಿಸಿಕೊಟ್ಟಿರುವ ಕೆ.ಪಿ.ಎಸ್.ಸಿ. ಆನ್-ಲೈನ್ ಶುಲ್ಕ ಪಾವತಿ ಮಾಡಿದ ನಂತರ ರಸೀದಿ (receipt) ಯಾ ಸ್ವೀಕೃತಿ ಪತ್ರ (acknowledgement) ನೀಡುವ ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥೆಯನ್ನು ಕಲ್ಪಿಸಿಕೊಟ್ಟಿಲ್ಲ.
Hall-ticket ಎಂದಿನಿಂದ download ಮಡಿಲಕೊಳ್ಳಬಹುದು ಮತ್ತು ಎಲ್ಲಿಂದ ?
sir i pay the payment in the mode of post office payment now how can i upload the challan pls tell me
Please login to the application and check the payment status. Not required to upload challan.
Sir, What about hall-ticket, from when we can download ?
where i can find the syllabus of computer test for senior assistants? for sda and fda exam?
Sir am in koppal district. written exam applicable for all state requirements or only koppal district what????? Sir
This is the State level recruitment.
Payment done how we can come to know
Sir iam apply for SDA .but how to face exam .which date exam in SDA
Please check above for exam dates
Hi I have initially applied for both FDA & SDA but later I decided not to go with SDA and write only FDA so I paid fee for only FDA. Now in the registered website under fee payment (where single column shows for both FDA & SDA) is not showing Green but when I click on it and there for FDA it is showing green. Now I can get the admit card for only FDA exam right even if I not paid for both the exams?
For which application you have paid fees, that application only will be eligible to write the examination.
Sir I have only one doubt in sslc I have taken 3rd language Kannada but in degree I have taken 1st language Kannada whether I want to write compulsory kannda are not.?
KPSC asked whether you have studied Kannada as a First or Second or Third or Optional Subject in SSLC or PUC or Degree. If you answered yes, there is not required to attend Compulsory Kannada Paper.
Dear Sir
Is it Possible to change exam center at this stage
Probably No. We suggest you to contact the helpline for assistance.
Dear sir or Madam…
I have studied 1 to 10th standard in kannada medium. Should i attend Compulsory kannada (Essay writing and Translation) test..?
Please do reply ASAP..
Mr. Raghu, if you studied 1 to 10th standard in Kannada Medium, then you are eligible to claim Kannada Medium Candidate. But for exemption from Compulsory Kannada Test, you have to be studied Kannada as a 1st/2nd/3rd or at least optional subject in SSLC or PUC or Degree (any).
Sir lam studied 1_10 in Kannada medium &I got 108 marks in sslc Kannada exam should I compulsory attend the Kannada exam
You are not required to attend only if you answered / selected the proper option (details) while filling the online application. Please check your application for this.
Dear Sir/Madam i having exact 40% consider in certificate for blindness So am Eligible for the attend the exam pls conform me
only one left eye 40% blindness so,so its eligible for attend exam
You are recommended to contact the KPSC’s helpline (number provided above).
hi sir i want to download call letter. How to download. Pl help me
I had Kannada has a third language in SSLC,is it compulsory to write mandatory kannada exam.Please clarify.
You have a clarification in your admit card. You required to attend all the papers displayed in your admit card. Please check on it!
Yes I do have compulsory kannada exam in my admit card.Thank u.
One more query sir,is there negative marks for this exam??evn i wanna know is there negative marking for compulsory kannada too?? Kindly let me knw.
KPSC has not provided the relevant information on this. We suggest you to contact the KPSC helpline for your assistance.
Please let me knw whether there is negative marking??please reply asap
We’re sorry!
Nanna hesaru dadapeer
Nanu chitradurga dalli wasa vagiddu
Nanna tande vanijya terige yalli 27 varsha karya nirvaesiddu avaru. Karya nirvayisttiruvagale nidana hondirurattare. Nanu anu kampada adharada mele kelasakke iti 2 varsha Electrician trade mele nanu kelasakka gi arjiyannu hakideene.
Nanage s.D.a . Dvitiya darje sahayaka hodde kodalu bahala vilamba vagiddu. Nana ge dvitiya darje sahayaka hodde siguvude yendu tammalli keliruttene dayaviitu nana ge uttara kodi
My score for sda is
General knowledge: 67
General English: 76
Computer literacy: 68
Total 143 excluding computer literacy
My category is 2B general. Is it possible for me to get sda? Please help.
Plz anyone help me.. Just now I came to know that about last day of applying application for sda and fda… It’s been time exceeded… Can I apply now… I want to apply application… Anyone help me… Plz
Apply it next time bcoz now date finished so
Today date have extended
Yes it has been extended you can apply to day is the last date to apply through the online
Please Note: The current recruitment is not continuation of the above recruitment and it is not the extension of last dates. It is a fresh recruitment process. Refer the official notifications (Available at each job notifications provided here.)
I losteoporosis fda and sda acknowledgement how can I get