Engineering JobsKSRTC JobsPost Graduation Jobs

KSRTC Recruitment Notification 2017 : Apply for Scale-II Officer Posts

KSRTC Recruitment 2016: Various  KSRTC Jobs

Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation Ltd. (KSRTC) invites application for various posts under the direct recruitment process. Eligible candidates may go through the complete employment notification of KSRTC Recruitment 2017 before applying to the below posts.





Assistant Administrative Officer

MSW OR MBA with specialization in Personnel Management/Human Relations


Assistant Accountant
  1. M.Com OR
  2. B.Com with MBA in Finance


Assistant Traffic Manager
  1. MBA in Transportation/ Marketing  OR
    1. MSW with specialization in Personnel Management and Industrial Relations OR
    2. BE in Mechanical /Automobile Engineering AND
  2. Must possess a valid HTV Driving License or must obtain with one period of probation


Assistant Mechanical Engineer
  1. Degree in Mechanical /Automobile Engineering AND
  2. Must possess a valid HTV Driving License or must obtain with one period of probation


Assistant Stores Officer
  1. PG Diploma in Material Management OR
  2. MBA in Material Management or BE in Automobile Engineering


Security and Vigilance Officer
  1. Post Graduate in Criminology / Psychology OR
  2. MSW with Criminology as one of the subject OR
  3. Ex-Servicemen rank not below Captain


Assistant System Manager

MCA or BE (CS)/ BE(IS)


Labour and Welfare Officer

MSW with specialization in Personnel Management and Industrial Relations/ Labour Welfare


Assistant Law Officer
  1. LLB
  2. Must have practiced as an Advocate at least for 2 years


PAY SCALE : Rs.26580 to Rs.46760

AGE LIMITS ( As on 31.01.2017 )

  1. Minimum Age : 18 Years Completed
  2. Maximum Age : 35 Years
    1. 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B : 38 Years
    2. Cat-1, SC/ST : 40 Years
    3. Others please refer the notification


    1. Height : 163 cm
    2. Weight : 55 KG
    1. Height : 153 cm
    2. Weight : 50 KG


  1. SC/ST, Cat-1, Ex. Servicemen & Dependents : Rs.400
  2. All Others : Rs.800


  1. Starting Date of Online Registration : 17/01/2017
  2. Last Date to Apply Online:  31/01/2017 extended up to 15.02.2017 by 11.59 PM
  3. Last Date to Pay Fees : 02/02/2017 extended up to 15.02.2017 by 06.00 PM

[mks_button size=”medium” title=”Official Notification” style=”squared” url=”” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#2db700″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-arrow-circle-right” icon_type=”fa”] Apply Now

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  1. Gurusiddappa says:

    For Assistant System Manager BCA students can apply..???

    • Hope you can able to read the educational qualifications given above. Please understand that, those qualifications are “Minimum Educational Qualifications”.

  2. GIRISHA says:


  3. Sir/Madam,
    Please time specified to apply above officer scale -II post may kindly be extend, many candidates have not aware of said notification if one week may extended to apply for the post, will not cause injustice to the applicants.


  4. sir/madam,
    please extend the time for filing application to mentioned above post scale-II.


  5. Devaraj km says:

    Sir i am birth date 13/01/99can me apply this post

  6. sameer says:

    HTV LICENCE compulsory?

  7. kiran says:

    Wn exam conduct for assistant account

  8. kiran says:

    Wn the exam conduct for assistant account

  9. shivnaik says:

    I am pass 12th art’s in2007 can aplay job

  10. Mamatha.j says:

    When wll be a exam.

  11. parashurama l says:

    sir i have applied post for AAO and i paid payment in online but i am not get any information and i got one measage about deduction of amount

  12. sshanthraj says:

    I am also diploma in computer science …completed any job plz inform me

  13. Kiran Kumar says:

    Hello Sir / Mam

    When Will be the KSRTC Group-2 Post Exam dated 01/2017 or 02/2017
    It will b very helpful if we know Exam date and date of Hall ticket Release

    Thank You

  14. Suraj says:

    Hello…Please let us know the exam dates for scale II officers post

  15. Kiran Kumar says:

    when wil b ksrtc group2 post exam notification dated 1/2017 2/2017

  16. Mamatha.j says:

    when wll be a that exam.

  17. Teerthagouda Patil says:

    Respected sir when will be the KSRTC scale 2 officers exam 2017 will conduct pleace reply

  18. arunkumar says:

    Dear sir
    Im arun i have completed .my father was working in ksrtc my father was died at service and ksrtc providing compassionate job. on the basis of my education which job can i got plz suggest sir .

    • Dear Mr.Arun Kumar,

      We are truly sorry to hear of the loss of your father.

      Unfortunately, we are helpless on this time. We suggest you to consult your nearest KSRTC office and make an enquiry on this. Alternatively you may contact KSRTC’s help line Phone: 080-49596666 (24 hours) for your assistance.

  19. koushik says:

    when the exam will start???

  20. mamatha.j says:

    when wll be exam

  21. Siddu says:

    Any body applied for assistant traffic manager…..

    Reply plz

    • Sandeep dakshan says:

      Did you apply for traffic manager? You have htv licence? How to get

  22. Siddu says:

    Anybody got HTV license ….

  23. Murugesha M says:

    Hi, When will be the exams for the openings Called against the Notification 2/2017 of KSRTC???

  24. Sandeep dakshan says:

    Anyone written assistant traffic manager?? How was exam is htv licence you have…. how to get… I’m studying for next ksrtc… pls anyone say

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