Employment News

National Council for Hotel Management & Catering Technology Recruitment 2017

National Council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology (Society) was set up in the year 1982 by the Government of India as an autonomous body for coordinated growth and development of hospitality education in the country.

Applications are invited from eligible Indian citizen and eligible according to the requirement mentioned against each vacancy for filling up of the following posts:

  1. Director (Studies) PB-3 with GP Rs.7600 Pay level 12 as per 7 th CPC – 1 Post
  2. Assistant PB-2 with GP Rs.4200 Pay level 6 as per 7 th CPC  – 1 Post
  3. Librarian PB-1 with GP Rs.2800 Pay level 5 as per 7 th CPC  – 1 Post
  4. Lower Division Clerk (LDC) PB-1 with GP Rs.1900 Pay level 2 as per 7 th CPC  – 1 Post


  1. Apply on plain paper indicating the (a) Post Applied for; (b) Name; (c) Age as on 6.5.2017; (d) Nationality; (e) Whether SC/ ST/ OBC; (f) Complete Postal address; (g) Qualification; (h) Experience (tabulated in chronological order); (i) Present Post, Pay Scale & Pay; (j) Minimum pay expected; and (k) Any other relevant information. (Attach all the relevant documents in support of qualification, experience, date of birth and category belong)
  2. In case of employee of Central/ State Govt., Public Sector/ Undertaking/ Central Autonomous Bodies only such candidates should apply who are willing to come on Deputation/ transfer basis and while forwarding by the employer, the application should accompanied by attested copies of ACRs for the last 5 years.
  3. In case any candidate employed in the Govt./ Quasi or Semi Govt. organizations and applying against direct recruitment vacancies, must apply through proper channel.
  4. The application should be addressed to Director (A&F) on the above given address, subscribing on the top of the envelope – “Application for the post of “_______________”.
  5. Applications along with all enclosures must reach this council by 6th May 2017 positively.
  6. No TA/ DA will be paid to the candidate, who will be called for Written test or Personal Discussion.

[mks_button size=”large” title=”View Official Notification & Application Details” style=”rounded” url=”http://nchm.nic.in/nchmct_adm/writereaddata/Vacancy%20Notice%20Director%20Studies%20and%20others.pdf” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#e24502″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-random” icon_type=”fa” nofollow=”1″]

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