Ramanagara District Village Accountants Recruitment-2017-18 : 86 Posts
Government of Karnataka, Ramanagara District Revenue Department invites applications for recruitment of Village Accountants (VA Jobs) for filing up 85+1 Vacancies. Eligible candidates may apply for the VA Posts available in the Ramnagara Revenue Department.
- Total Posts : 85+1 Posts
- Salary Range : Rs.11600 – 21000
AGE LIMIT: (As on 20.07.2017)
- Minimum Age: 18 Years
- Maximum Age:
- General Category : 35 Years
- 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B candidates : 38 Years
- Cat-I, SC, ST candidates : 40 Years
- Detailed Info check out official Information Booklet (Kannada Language)
Educational Qualifications:
- II PUC/ 12th Class passed in CBSE / ICSE or equivalent. (Must be studied in Karnataka State Only.)
- Correspondence/Distance Education is not eligible.
- Must obtain Computer Certificate (MS-Office) before the last date for online application.
Helpline Phone: 0802-7273777,0802-7275943
Application Fee:
- SC, ST, CAT-1 Candidates : Rs.250
- General, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B Candidates : Rs.500
- Payment Mode : SBI Challan
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) on Ramanagara District Village Accountant Recruitment: Click here to read
- Closing Date for Online Registration : 26.08.2017
- Last Date for Fee Payment : 26.08.2017
[mks_button size=”medium” title=”Official Notification” style=”squared” url=”http://govtcare.com/notices/17/Ramanagara-VA-Recruitment.pdf” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#2db700″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-arrow-circle-right” icon_type=”fa”] | [mks_button size=”medium” title=”APPLY ONLINE” style=”squared” url=”http://ramanagara-va.kar.nic.in/Welcome.aspx” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#2db700″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-arrow-circle-right” icon_type=”fa”] |
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Sir my puc percentage 86.33 hagide va job hagbohudaaa
Sir my % is pu 75% i have rural and kannada medium certificate i can apply for this job sir
When ramanagar va results will be announced?
Hi coastal hut ,this is mujeer from Bangalore .I wanted to know the selection procedure for ramnagara village accountant post. And I also wanted to know I have low vision I use specs am I eligible for this post.
Sir I have 62.66% in PUC science.
Is there any chances of getting this job?? Plz reply
Selection probability is less for your marks in PUC.
Sir/madam my caste is belong to catagory1& my pu percentage is 93.17 please replay sir/madam iam able to get this job
va hakidira yava dist
I have 93.17 in pu commerce iam able to get VA job please reply sir
Sir my pu percentage is 93.17 lam able to get VA job
I have 93.17 percentage in pu as iam able to get VA job
You can try.. We suggest you to read this article: Village Accountant-Recruitment Guide
hai please let me know,how did u paid the amount in bank,because they are saying the bank account mentioned as to be pan updated,so not able to pay money,please reply soon how to pay
Did you applied for this job if yes please reply
Did you applied for this job if yes please reply
Sir plzzzz ans me sir
Better not to apply for Village Accountant posts to save your money. Try some other opportunities, where you can get through competitive examinations.
Sir ,tomorrow 25 & 26 the govt holiday is there , & village account application is post office payment last date 26 the ,edannu munde odisalaguvuda?? Plz plz REPLY ME
26th is last payment but on that day there is government holiday what to do
hai sir nandu PUC Percentage 76.8% ide hagutta
yava dist hakidira
Sir I will took DD but last date is tomorrow only I want do online transaction it is possible pls reply sir
Sir my pu percentage was 92.83 and i hd applied for the job. Am i able to get the job. When will the selection list will be released… Kindly provided me the information regarding my questions . I hope you will replay soon for my comment.
My name is rangaswamy n am a handicap student having 81% result it is possible to get ha job…i belongs to 3 A catagary
please send her
other Job information
Sir please tell me when was selection announced
There is no proper response from u r website feeling really bad about your response please reply for the questions asked by the candidates and tell me when will the selection list will be announced
Kindly refer the official notification which is provided above for the details. For further clarifications on the said recruitment, contact the concerned recruitment authority.
Sir will you please tell how do they announce roaster list? What is that means???
Sir/madam please ask me when ramanagar va 2017 roster list annonved
Any one near ramnagara please contact ramnagara DC for postponning the varification list it already completed 4 months..please any one complaint about it
any one get letter from ramnagara village acountant
My friend has got bro but I didn’t 😨😨😨😨but I’m happy about him
Can I get your contact no
Does Anybody know the process of selection in Ramanagara ???? 🙏🙏🙏
I’m a CBSE student with 70% can I apply??? ..And computer certificate necessary?