Diploma / ITI JobsKarnataka Lokaseva Ayoga [KPSC]

KPSC Recruitment 2018: Apply for 1520 Junior Training Officer (JTO) Posts

Karnataka Lokaseva Ayoga akas Karnataka Public Service Commission (KPSC) invited applications from the eligible candidates for the posts of Junior Training Officers (JTO) in Dept. of Industrial Training and Employment Commission. Selection for KPSC’s recruitment of JTO posts are done through competitive examinations. Applications for the JTO posts can be submitted through online mode only.







Fitter 289 59 348
Turner 73 12 85
Electronic Mechanic 110 23 133
Mechanic Motor Vehicle 78 21 99
ICTSM (ITESM) 69 8 77
Workshop Calculation & Science 128 22 150
Engineering Drawing 77 21 98
Mechanic Diesel 40 9 49
Instrument Mechanic 04 0 04
Electroplater 01 0 01
Electrician 236 52 288
Dress Making 25 6 31
Interior Design & Decoration 07 03 10
Draughtsman Civil 03 01 04
Welder 11 05 16
Machinist 02 03 05
Architectural Assistant 07 0 07
Carpenter 02 0 02
Draughtsman mechanical 09 0 09
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance (Mill Wright Mechanic) 07 0 07
Secretarial Practice 02 0 02
Plastic Processing Operator 01 0 01
TOTAL 1254 266 1520


Fitter NTC and NAC in Fitter issued under National Council of Vocational Training Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
Turner NTC and NAC in Turner issued under National Council of Vocational Training Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
Electronic Mechanic NTC and NAC in Electronics Mechanic issued under National Council of Vocational Training Diploma in Electronics/Electronics & telecommunication/ Electronics & Communication
Mechanic Motor Vehicle NTC and NAC in Mechanic Motor Vehicle issued under National Council of Vocational Training Diploma in Automobile/ Mechanical (specialization in automobile)
ICTSM (ITESM) NTC and NAC in Mechanic Refrigeration & Air Conditioning under NCVT Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
Workshop Calculation & Science Diploma in Mechanical Engineering/Automobile Engineering/ Production Engineering / Electrical Engineering/Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering/ Computer Engineering/ Industrial Engineering
Engineering Drawing Diploma in Mechanical Engineering/Automobile Engineering/ Production Engineering/ Electrical Engineering/ Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering/ Computer Engineering/ Industrial Engineering
Mechanic Diesel NTC and NAC in Mechanic Diesel issued under NCVT Diploma in Automobile/ Mechanical (specialization in automobile)
Instrument Mechanic NTC and NAC in Instrument Mechanic issued under NCVT Diploma in Instrumentation/ Instrumentation and Control Engineering
Electroplater NTC and NAC in Electroplater issued under NCVT Diploma in Electrical Engineering
Electrician NTC and NAC in Electrician issued under National Council of Vocational Training (NCVT) Diploma in Electrical / Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Dress Making NTC and NAC in Dress Making issued under National Council of Vocational Training Diploma in Dress Making / Garment fabricating technology / costume designing
Interior Design & Decoration NTC and NAC in Interior Design & Decoration issued under NCVT Diploma in Interior design and Decoration engineering
Draughtsman Civil NTC and NAC in Draughtsman Civil issued under NCVT Diploma in Civil Engineering
Welder NTC and NAC in Welder issued under National Council of Vocational Training Diploma in Mechanical
Machinist NTC and NAC in Machinist issued under NCVT Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
Architectural Assistant NTC and NAC in Architectural Assistant issued under NCVT Diploma in Architecture
Carpenter NTC and NAC in Carpenter issued under NCVT Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
Draughtsman mechanical NTC and NAC in Draughtsman Mechanical issued under NCVT Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance (Mill Wright Mechanic) NTC and NAC in Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance issued under NCVT Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
Secretarial Practice NTC and NAC in Secretarial Practice issued under NCVT Diploma (AICTE Approved) in relevant field
Plastic Processing Operator NTC and NAC in Plastic Processing Operator issued under NCVT Diploma in Plastic Technology/ Engineering




  1. Minimum Age: 18 Years
  2. Maximum Age:
    1. GM: 35 Years
    2. 2A/2B/3A/3B: 38 Years
    3. CAT-1/SC/ST: 40 Years

(Further age relaxation may be applicable for PwD and other special ctegories. Please refer the official notification below)


  1. GM: Rs.600
  2. 2A/2B/3A/3B: Rs.300
  3. Ex-serviceman: Rs.50
  4. SC/ST, Cat. 1, PwD Candidates : Nil/Exempted


  1. Application closing date: 20.03.2018
  2. Last date to pay fees online: 21.03.2018


  1. Headquarters: 080-30574957/ 080-30574901 
  2. Mysore: 0821-2545956
  3. Belgaum: 0831-2475345
  4. Kalaburagi: 08472-227944
  5. Shivamogga: 08182-228099

[mks_button size=”medium” title=”APPLY ONLINE” style=”rounded” url=”http://www.kpscapps2.com/kpsc_jto_2018/” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#29c100″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-chain-broken” icon_type=”fa”] [mks_button size=”medium” title=”OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION” style=”rounded” url=”http://govtcare.com/notices/18/KPSC-Junior-Technical-Officers.pdf” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#f98701″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-cloud-download” icon_type=”fa”]

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  1. Madhu says:

    Does it require experience

  2. lohith says:

    I have done diploma and engineering i dont have relevant experience can i apply?

  3. Mahammad gouse says:

    Hi sir’ i had completed iti in diesel mech’ and still working in tata motors as a senier tech’ may i apply this post? Pls reply

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