Admit CardsStaff Selection Commission [SSC]

SSC- Combined Higher Secondary Level Examination (CHSL)- Download Call Letter

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) Combined Higher Secondary Level (10+2) Examination [CHSL], 2017-18 (Tier-I) to be held from 04th March, 2018 to 28th March, 2018.

This test includes the recruitment of the following positions:

  1. Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants
  2. Data Entry Operators
  3. Lower Division Clerks

Applicants are suggested to get their e-admit card from the link below.

Please Note: There will not be sent any admit cards by post to the applicants. You must download from the SSC’s website only. (Download link given below)

Instructions to Candidates:

  1. Along with the e-admit card, you required to carry:
    1. THREE passport size color photograph
    2. Any ONE valid ORIGINAL identity proof (AADHAAR, Driving License, Election ID Card, Passport)
  2. Pen or Pencil and Blank Paper for rough work will be provided at the exam center only.

Download Admit Card Instructions

  1. Phase 1 (Exam Dates: March 04 to March 11, 2018) : Available
  2. Phase 2 (Exam Dates: March 12 to March 17, 2018) : Available
  3. Phase 3 (Exam Dates: March 19 to March 28, 2018) : Available

Note: Candidates those who’s admit cards not available, please stay tuned for updates of the admit cards on this page or share application number in comment box below.

[mks_button size=”medium” title=”Read Notification” style=”squared” url=”” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#2db700″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-arrow-circle-right” icon_type=”fa”] [mks_button size=”medium” title=”Download Call Letter (March 19 to March 28, 2018)” style=”squared” url=”” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#2db700″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-arrow-circle-right” icon_type=”fa”]

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  1. Lalsab says:

    640011880709 this register no call letter is not updated plz help me sir

    • Your registration number looks wrong.. Kindly check with your application and let us know..

      • Lalsab says:

        64011880709 sir my correct application no sir …it’s not get my hall ticket sir what can I do …plz help me sir

      • lalsab says:

        64011880709 is my application no sir ..dob is 01/06/1998 sir plz inform me ….plz help me

        Quickly sir ..

        Sir call me this no 8861114817

        • Reg No: 64011880709
          Roll No: 9005003672
          Name: LALSAB
          Centre: GULBARGA
          Exam Date and Time: 20-Mar-18 01:30 PM to 02:30 PM
          Your admit card will be enable for download soon…

  2. appu says:

    i cont get my hall ticket plz take my no. 64010089882, dob: 4/5/1989

    • APP No: 64010089882
      Roll No: 9008000673
      Name: APPU JADHAV
      Exam Centre: MANGALORE
      Exam Date & Time: 17-Mar-18 04:30 PM to 05:30 PM

      Your admit card will enable in second phase. Please stay tuned in this page for the download link.

  3. CHIKKARAJU says:


  4. Rudraling illiga says:

    Sir plz help me 64010327116 and day of birth 05/03/1993 hall ticket not coming

  5. meghana says:

    My admit card page is not opening as it is coming error, kindly check it
    Reg No- 64010699598
    DOB- 18/11/1992

    kindly do the needful, am waiting for your reply

    • Reg No: 64010699598
      Roll No: 9001017216
      Name: MEGHANA N
      Centre: BENGALURU
      Test Date and Time: 13-Mar-18 01:30 PM to 02:30 PM

      You can download admit card now. It’s enabled.

  6. Naveen shivashankar pattankar says:

    Sir I hv not got my admit card ..reg no:64012053460

    • Reg No: 64012053460
      Roll No: 9005005210
      Name: NAVEEN
      Centre: GULBARGA
      Test Date and Time: 24-Mar-18 04:30 PM to 05:30 PM
      Your admit card will available soon..

  7. Praveen Kumar says:

    sir I am also not get my admit card Application No.64011794120 and D.O.B 21/08/1992

    • Reg No: 64011794120
      Roll No: 9005006062
      Centre: GULBARGA
      Test Date & Time: 20-Mar-18 01:30 PM to 02:30 PM
      Admit card will uploaded soon..

  8. CHIKKARAJU says:


  9. RANJU says:

    Sir can i apply for this post today?

  10. narasimha prasad b says:

    MY REG NO IS 64010069400

  11. shashikumar says:

    When tier (1) result sir

  12. Malatesh says:

    Sir I don’t get admit card
    My registration number 64012246798

    Please give me solution

  13. Maruti Pujar says:

    Sir my admit card no is 64011434331 DOB 23/01/1992
    Admit card not openinig sir please help me

  14. Swathi V.N says:

    Hello sir,
    I’m not getting my admit card.My registration number is 64012326881 and date of birth is 14/10/1996.plz help me to get my admit card.

  15. Punith says:

    When does the tier 1 results will announced.

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