Post Graduation JobsTeaching Jobs

Guest Lecturer Recruitment for Govt. First Grade Colleges of Karnataka in 2018-19

Government First Grade Colleges of Karnataka – Guest Lecturers Recruitment 2018-19

Govt. of Karnataka, Department of Collegiate Education invites application for Guest Lectures in Government First Grade Colleges in Karnataka (GFGC) for Academic Year 2018-19. Eligible candidates may apply through online mode only.

Special Note: Candidates those who have worked during 2017-18 and prior to this period will be given a first priority while selecting the Guest Faculties. Only upon their non availability, fresh applications will be taken into consideration.

Important Instructions:

  1. Fresh candidates who have not applied during 2017-18 can submit Application for 2017-18 using- Online Application link
  2. Candidate who had applied during 2017-18 can Update their application with latest information using From  – Update Application link
  3. Guest faculty who have worked during 2017-18 but relieved due to shortage of workload can use – Update Application link
  4. Submitted are Updated applications for 2018-19 can be edited for making changes using edit submitted for link.
  5. Duplication in registration in resulting in rejection of application.

Educational Qualifications:

  1. As per UGC Norms
    1. First Preferences for UGC NET passed candidates

General Instructions to Candidates:

  • Selection of Candidates is purely on ad-hoc basis.
  • All the original certificates must be produced at the time of Reporting in the college of choice.
  • The candidates selected as Guest Faculty should carry out specified hours of teaching assignment.
  • The candidate is allowed to work only in one Government First Grade College.
  • The academic assignment is only till the end of term days and as per calendar of events of the respective University or till the workload exists.
  • Applications have to be submitted ONLINE only and applications in any other form/ mode will not be accepted.
  • Number of Guest Faculty positions in Government First Grade Colleges, as per 2017-18 workload, is put-up on the website for reference only. The actual number of Guest Faculty positions may vary. Subject-wise availability for the academic year 2018-19, in each college may be obtained from the respective colleges.


  1. Closing Date for Online Registration         : 15.07.2018

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