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Karnataka Excise (Abakari) Department Recruitment 2017: Apply Online

Karnataka State Department of Excise (Abkari Ilakhe) invites online applications for the recruitment of Excise Sub Inspectors (Abakari Upanireekshaka), Excise Guards-Male (Abakari Rakshak) and Excise Guards-Female (Abakari Rakshak). Karnataka Lokaseva Ayog (KPSC) conducting competitive tests to these posts in excise department. The eligible candidates may apply on or before the due date through online mode only.


Excise Sub Inspectors 145 32 177
Excise Guards (Male) 945 07 952
Excise Guards (Female) 51 0 51


  1. Essential Academic Qualifications: (As on 30.03.2017)
    1. Excise Sub Inspector (Abakari Upanireekshaka) Posts    : Pass in Any Bachelor Degree (Graduation)
    2. Excise Guards (Male/Female)                                                : SSLC or 10th Standard Pass
  2. Age Limit : (As on 30.03.2017):
    1. Excise Sub Inspector (Abakari Upanireekshaka) Posts
      1. Minimum Age : 21 Years
      2. Maximum Age :
        1. General             : 26 Years
        2. 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B  : 29 Years
        3. Cat-1, SC, ST     : 31 Years
        4. Ex Servicemen : Please refer notification
    2. Excise Guards- Male/Female (Abakari Rakshakaru) Posts
      1. Minimum Age : 18 Years
      2. Maximum Age :
        1. General             : 26 Years
        2. 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B  : 29 Years
        3. Cat-1, SC, ST     : 31 Years
        4. Ex Servicemen : Please refer notification
  3. Physical Standards (For Excise Sub Inspector, Excise Guards- Male/Female)
    1. Male Candidates
      1. Minimum Height   : 163 cms
      2. Minimum Weight  : —
      3. Chest                        : 81 cms and above
    2. Female Candidates
      1. Minimum Height   : 157 cms
      2. Minimum Weight  : 49.9 Kgs
      3. Chest                        : Not Applicable
  4. Additional Information : Please refer the official notification (Available below) for details such as selection procedures, syllabus, reservation details and all other clarifications.


  1. Excise Sub Inspectors : Rs.16000-29600
  2. Excise Guards (Male) and Excise Guards (Female) : Rs.11600-21000

APPLICATION FEE  : (Non Refundable)

  1. SC/ST/Category 1                 : Nill/ Exempted
  2. Ex Servicemen                       : Rs.25
  3. 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B                       : Rs.150
  4. General (GM)                        : Rs.300


  1. Last Date to Submit Online Applications                              : 30.03.2017
  2. Last Date to Pay Fees (Post Offices)                                       : 31.03.2017
  3. Download Admit Cards                                                             : 20.04.2017
  4. Dates of Competitive Tests:
    1. Excise Sub Inspector                                                       : 30.04.2017
    2. Excise Guards (Male) and Excise Guards (Female) : 07.05.2017


ABAKARI-GUARD[mks_button size=”medium” title=”Buy @ Rs.350″ style=”squared” url=”” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#2db700″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-arrow-circle-right” icon_type=”fa”]

ABAKARI-SI[mks_button size=”medium” title=”Buy @Rs.360″ style=”squared” url=”” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#2db700″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-arrow-circle-right” icon_type=”fa”]

EXCISE-GUARD1[mks_button size=”medium” title=”Buy @ Rs.230″ style=”squared” url=”” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#2db700″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-arrow-circle-right” icon_type=”fa”]
 EXCISE-GUARD3[mks_button size=”medium” title=”Buy @ Rs.175″ style=”squared” url=”” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#2db700″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-arrow-circle-right” icon_type=”fa”]  EXCISE-GUARD2[mks_button size=”medium” title=”Buy @ Rs.350″ style=”squared” url=”” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#2db700″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-arrow-circle-right” icon_type=”fa”]  EXCISE-SI1[mks_button size=”medium” title=”Buy @ Rs.450″ style=”squared” url=”” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#2db700″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-arrow-circle-right” icon_type=”fa”]

[mks_button size=”medium” title=”Read Notification” style=”squared” url=”” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#2db700″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-arrow-circle-right” icon_type=”fa”] [mks_button size=”medium” title=”APPLY ONLINE” style=”squared” url=”” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#2db700″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-arrow-circle-right” icon_type=”fa”]

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  1. Manoj says:

    what is the syllabus for Abakari Rakshakaru post.

  2. Akshay says:

    Sir I have completed engineering ( mechanical) soo may I applicable to apply exice sub inspector post

    • Rajshekar says:

      You May have studied Engineering, But They will only consider your Degree Certificate,

  3. shivakumar says:

    sir how to apply please show the web site

  4. Veena Veena says:

    I am completed p u c 87% ND I all so done D.ed 82% I’ll apply excise sub inspector post

  5. nithesh reddy says:

    whats the selection criteria for this
    physical test is first or competitive exam first

  6. sudhir says:

    SIR IAM SUDHIR AND I HAVE COMPLETED DIPLOMA IN E&E should i eligible for the post of sub inspector

  7. vasant kumar says:

    i completed online application form stage-1 and after that i didnt got the registration details …
    so how i can get those details .. plz suggest me…

  8. jyothi says:

    Good afternoon sir this is jyothi sir payed the exam fee in online after this if can do for any other verification and how can i get my admit card

    • Once you paid the applicable fees, please download and take the print of the application for your future references. You can get your admit card only upon the KPSC announces at their official website here:

  9. purushotham says:

    hi, am not getting website to apply so can anyone please help me out for applying???

    • You can see the “APPLY ONLINE”. Click on it. It automatically redirects to the direct application form.
      Please Note: All our links may redirect to some of our advertisement channels. You may try repeating in 2 or 3 clicks to get the original application form.

  10. Shifali says:

    Hello sir/mam abakari sub inspector exam , is it a single phase exam? Or does it has prelims mains?
    Please reply

  11. sunil kumar.M says:

    I have apple the online application so how to the exam date information plz tell me and mobile no not given so what next

  12. Nagabhushan says:

    In physical test what all will be asked​ pls reply

  13. NITHESH REDDY says:

    sir please make sure to appear the admit card link of kpsc excise inspector and guard

  14. nanju says:

    Sir, can you confirm the exam date

  15. nanju says:

    sir, can you confirm that exam is going to held as per the notification schedule

  16. nanju says:

    sir, can you confirm that exam is going to held as per the notification schedule

  17. lohit says:

    Sir when was come abakari rakshakaru result 2017 sir

  18. manjuanath says:

    sir kpsc exice guard exam key answers when coming sir please tell me

  19. Erayya says:

    Hello sir kpsc excise guard key answers when coming pls reply

  20. mallesh says:

    Sir please tell when was come the excise guard exam key answers 2017 …..

  21. bharath says:

    may i know vn i get Result of Excise guard ( that v rote on 7-5-2017)

  22. bharath.a says:

    may i know vn i get Result of Excise guard ( that v rote on 7-5-2017)

  23. moni reddy says:

    Hi sir when you announceing the excise sub insepector results pls reply

  24. Praveen says:

    When will be the result for exise gurd and SI

  25. Vishwaraj TC says:

    I’m vishwaraj written exam an excuse sub-inspector but when is the physical test????

  26. SHABANA says:


  27. Mailari h says:

    Abakari e Gard

  28. Md rafi kanni says:

    Sir excise gaurd list announce madidira pls

  29. Swathi says:

    Any girls got there physical endurance test schedule who cleared written test ?please do tell when will it be conducted ,in website am not finding ,please sir give the link of physical test date n time ..

  30. Hemanth says:

    Sir I can’t see “online apply” option pls help me.

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