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Bangalore City Co-Operative Bank Recruitment : Junior Assistant & Attender Posts

The Bangalore City Co-operative Bank Limited (BCCBL Bank), a leading Urban Co operative Bank in India was founded with prime object of encouraging thrift and savings habit among the public and to freed the members from the clutches of private money lenders.

BCCBL Bank is invited online application for 63 Junior Assistant and 11 Attender positions in The Bangalore City Co-operative Bank Limited branches. Eligible candidates may apply through online mode only.


  1. Junior Assistants
    1. Vacancies              :  63 Posts
    2. Qualification        :  Any Degree Pass
  2. Attenders
    1. Vacancies              :  11 Posts
    2. Qualification        :  SSLC Pass


  1. Essential Academic Qualifications:
    1. Junior Assistants : Any Graduates / Bachelor Degree Pass
      1. Preferences for : i) Computer knowledge in Banking Sector;  ii) Diploma in Secreterial Practise or Diploma in Banking or Diploma in Co-operative Banking exams passed; iii) Working Experience in Co-operative Banks
    2. Attenders : SSLC/10th Pass
      1. Preferences for : Working Experience in Co-operative Banks
  2. Requisite Eligibility
    1. Candidates must be Karnataka Residents
    2. Must have knowledge of Kannada Reading and Writing
  3. Age Limit : (As on 26.04.2017):
    1. Minimum Age : 18 Years
    2. Maximum Age : 35 Years
    3. Age Relaxations:
      1. SC, ST, Cat-1  : 5 Years
      2. OBC                 : 3 Years


  1. Written Test


  1. Junior Assistants : Rs.20,000 to 36,300 (approximate salary Rs.35,450)
  2. Attenders               : Rs.14550 to 26700  (approximate salary Rs.25,898)

APPLICATION FEE  : (Non Refundable)

  1. Junior Assistants
    1. SC, ST, Cat-1, PwD, Ex Servicemen                : Rs.400
    2. All Other Candidate                                           : Rs.600
  2. Attenders
    1. SC, ST, Cat-1, PwD, Ex Servicemen                : Rs.300
    2. All Other Candidate                                           : Rs.400


  1. Last Date for online Registration                 : 26.04.2017
  2. Last Date of Fee Payment                              : 27.04.2017
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  1. Balu says:

    What is the syylubus for attender post please fell me

  2. Shivu says:

    Wen is the result

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