Karnataka Public Service Commission (KPSC) released admit cards for the Non-Technical Group-C Posts under the recruitment notification PSC 1 RT(4) B-4/2016 dated 15.03.2017.
The examinations for these posts will be done on the middle weeks of June 2017. All the applicants are instructed to download the e-admit card before appearing to the examination.
Read Notification: KPSC Recruitment 2017 : Group C Non-Technical 571 Posts
[mks_button size=”medium” title=”DOWNLOAD ADMIT CARD” style=”squared” url=”https://admit.online-ap1.com/KPSC124A54c6countant/Login.aspx” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#2db700″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-arrow-circle-right” icon_type=”fa”] | HELPLINE NUMBERS
7815930294, 7815930293, 7815930296, 7815930297 |
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Sir I applied for group c non technical post
And my admission ticket is not downloading
Please let me know sir what happened..
Reg 800031212
Dob 18-1-1996
Please contact the helpline.. Numbers updated above.
Sir in that they told online payment issue and issue are solved and download u r admission ticket
But hear admission ticket are still not downloading…
Please sir if any suggestions please info sir
What happened actually…….
KPSC is not clearly disclosed any details on this matter. Even KPSC has not released any official notification in regards to the Admit Cards except ticker news in KPSC website.
This is not only for you. The same issue is common for candidates from through out Karnataka.
Our suggestion is only to contact the KPSC and get the assistance till you get the resolution.
Sir admit card ,download agalilla andre en madbeku,,payment successful agide,,pls help me sir,,
Please contact the helpline..
sir, i paid fees and successfully complete application procedure correctly,, now my hallticket wasn’t generated itself seems
if i enter my registration number and dob, showing invalid addresssssssss
i had mail to kpsc, yet no reply
Please contact the helpline.. Helpline Numbers updated above.
My admit card is not coming and its showing invalid …Please say what to do?
Registration number :800104250
DOB : 7 Feb 1998
Find the helpline numbers above for your assistance..
Sir i have lost the registration num… what i have to do..??
Probably police complaint will not legally stand for this!
Better you can search with your stuffs. Alternatively you can contact the KPSC helpline for your assistance.
my self rafi and im work in it feild