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Karnataka Health & Family Welfare Dept. [KARHFW] – Para Medical Recruitment – Apply Online

Govt. of Karnataka, Dept. of Health and Family Welfare [KARHFW] Recruiting various Para Medical Posts with notification number SRC/01/2017-18, Dated 30.05.2017. Eligible candidates may apply online mode only for the vacant Para Medical Posts under KARHFW, Bangalore.






Staff Nurses (BSc. Nursing)

(Rs.17650 to 32000)

245 (217+ 28 HK)

  1. BSc Nursing and
  2. Enrolled in Karnataka Nursing Council
Based on merit marks of BSc. Nursing
Staff Nurses (Diploma Nursing)

(Rs.17650 to 32000)

736 (653+ 83 HK)

  1. Passed SSLC or PUC and
  2.  Passed Diploma in Nursing and
  3. Enrolled in Karnataka Nursing Council
Based on merit marks of Diploma in Nursing

Junior Health Assistants (Female)

(Rs.12500 to 24000)

 1659 (1424+ 235 HK)


  1. Passed SSLC or PUC and
  2.  Junior Health Assistants-Female candidates trained Auxiliary Nurse Midwifery (ANM) and
  3. Enrolled in Karnataka Nursing Council
Based on merit marks of Auxiliary Nurse Midwifery (ANM)

Junior Health Assistants

(Rs.12500 to 24000)

 465 (313+ 152 HK)

  1.  Passed SSLC and Trained Multipurpose Basic Health Activists training under KARHFW. OR
  2.  Passed SSLC and Completed 3 years Diploma in Health Inspector from Para Medical Board OR
  3. Passed PUC (Science) and Completed 2 years Diploma in Health Inspector from Para Medical Board
  1.  Based on merit marks of Multipurpose Basic Health Activists
  2. Based on merit marks of 3 years Diploma in Health Inspector
  3. Based on merit marks of 2 years Diploma in Health Inspector

Opthalmic Officer / Refractionist

(Rs.14550 to 26700)

  44 (22+ 22 HK)

  1.  Passed PUC (Science) and
  2. Completed 2 years Diploma in Ophthalmic Technician from Para Medical Board

Based on merit marks of 2 years Diploma in Ophthalmic Technician


Medical Record Technician

(Rs.16000 to 29600)

  11 (08+ 03 HK)

  1.  Passed PUC (Science) and
  2. Passed Diploma in Medical Record Technician from Para Medical Board

Based on merit marks of Diploma in Medical Record Technician



(Rs.20000 to 36300)

  06 (05+ 01 HK)

 Passed BSc. (Home Science)

Preferences will be given to the candidates with Diploma in Nutrition and Dietitian Course.


Based on merit marks of BSc. (Home Science) and Diploma in Nutrition and Dietitian

(If  Nutrition and Dietitian candidates not available, then only degree qualification will be treated)


Block Health Education Officer

(Rs.16000 to 29000)

  62 (44+ 18 HK)

 Degree in Sociology (BA/BSW) with the following subjects:

Geology OR Economics OR Sociology OR Philosophy OR Psychology OR Social Work, History OR Political Science


Based on merit marks of BA/BSW


X-Ray Technician

(Rs.14550 to 26700)

  46 (15+ 31 HK)

  1.  Passed SSLC and Completed 3 years Diploma in X-Ray Technician from Para Medical Board OR
  2. Passed PUC (Science) and Completed 2 years Diploma in X-Ray Technician from Para Medical Board

1.      Based on merit marks of  3 years Diploma in X-Ray Technician

2.      Based on merit marks of  2 years Diploma in X-Ray Technician




AGE LIMITS (As on 30.06.2017)

  1. Minimum Age : 18 Years
  2. Maximum Age
    1. General              : 35 Years
    2. 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B  : 38 Years
    3. SC, ST, Cat-1     : 40 Years


  1. GM, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B   : Rs.300
  2. SC, ST, Cat-1, PwD    : Rs.100

Helpline: 080-22873151, 22340197


  1. Closing Date for Online Registration        : 30.06.2017
  2. Last Date for Pay Fees at Post Office        : 01.07.2017

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  1. S.R says:

    very nice article.

  2. tanziya banu says:

    superrrbbbb .
    i lkd it vry mch bcoz i cn find any typ of job

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