PUC / 10+2 JobsStaff Selection Commission [SSC]

SSC CHSL Recruitment of Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants and Clerks Posts : Apply Online

Postal Department Recruitment: Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants Recruitment 2017-18

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) invites applications for Combined Higher Secondary Level (10+2) Examination, 2017. This examination is organized for the recruitment of Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants, Lower Division Clerks and Data Entry Operators. Candidates those who are seeking recruitment in Post Offices in India and searching for Post Office Jobs can apply to the below posts.





[P] Postal Assistant/ Sorting Assistant (PB -1) Rs. 5200-20200 +  Grade Pay 2400

2359 Posts

[D] Data Entry Operator (DEO) (PB -1) Rs. 5200-20200 +  Grade Pay 2400

02 Posts

[E] Data Entry Operator, Grade ‘A’ (PB -1) Rs. 5200-20200 +  Grade Pay 1900

00 Posts

[L] Lower Division Clerk / Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA) (PB -1) Rs. 5200-20200 +  Grade Pay 1900

898 Posts

AGE LIMITS : (as on 01.08.2018)

  1. Minimum Age : 18 Years (Born before  01-08-2000)
  2. Maximum Age:
    1. General Merit (GM) : 27 Years (Born After 02-08-1991)
    2. OBC : + 3 Years
    3. SC / ST : +5 Years
    4. Persons with Disabilities (PwD) : +10 Years
    5. Others : Please refer the official notification for SSC- Combined Higher Secondary Level Examination 2017-18 (Recruitment of Postal Assistants/Sorting Assistants, Lower Division Clerks, Data Entry Operators)


  1. Must have passed PUC or 12th Standard or equivalent examination from a recognized Board or University.
  2. For Data Entry Operator in the Office of Comptroller and Auditor General of India (C&AG): Passed PUC or 12th Standard in Science stream with Mathematics as a subject.



  1. Women Candidates (All Categories) : Nill (Fees Exempted)
  2. SC/ST, PwD, Ex-Servicemen :  Nill (Fees Exempted)
  3. General and OBC Candidates (Only Male Candidates): Rs.100


  1. Online Registration Started on : 18.11.2017
  2. Last Date of Online Registration : 18.12.2017 Extended up to 27.12.2017 by 5.00 PM
  3. Date of Computer Based Examination (Tier-I): 04.03.2018 to 26.03.2018
  4. Date of Tier-II (Descriptive Paper): 08.07.2018
[mks_button size=”medium” title=”SSC-Combined Higher Secondary Level Examination 2017- Notification” style=”squared” url=”http://govtcare.com/notices/17/SSC-CHSL-2017.pdf” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#2db700″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-arrow-circle-right” icon_type=”fa”] [mks_button size=”medium” title=”Apply Online (Click here to Apply)” style=”squared” url=”” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#ff3300″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-arrow-circle-right” icon_type=”fa”]

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  1. Raju says:

    Sir e post Alli karnatakakke estu post baruthe???

  2. LAVANYA M K says:

    you are doing good job.. The information you are providing is helpfull to all..
    thanks for your work

  3. Mahesh says:

    There is no such notification in Indian Port website.

    Can I have the direct link for notification please.

    If I click on notification on this page it is redirecting to Facebook.


    • We’re sorry for the inconvenience caused to you.

      This recruitment is not for “Indian Port”, but it is for Indian Postal Department. And for your kind information, it is not the direct recruitment process and hence, you can’t find the notification in their official website. We have clearly specified that who is recruiting each recruitment process. If you haven’t noticed, we request you to read the above post twice.

      Further, regarding the redirection to Facebook, the website is monetized through third party vendors, so you are required to click two or three times to the same link to get the required original link to open.

  4. Dileepkumar says:

    ಸರ್ SSC CHSL ನೇರನೇಮಕಾತಿನ ಸರ್

  5. Nagaraj says:

    Sir I have only 49%in puc, so am I eligible for it

  6. Nagesh. B.S says:

    Sir my name is Nagesh🙏 my age is 30 , After SSLC directly joined Diploma in Computer Science ,But in 3rd year Fail. Sir can i get a JOB in any posts 😭.

  7. Prabhuraj says:

    Sir I applied for SSC chsl online and payment also done what should I do after that do I need to collect any documents plzz do reply

  8. PRASANNA says:

    Pls send web address sir

  9. PAVITHRA says:

    Iam Pavithra Passed PUC+ITI(computer operator and programming assistance)
    Is iam eligible for Data Entry job in post office

  10. Ganesh says:

    Diploma is equal to puc ?

  11. Raghu says:

    Sir my name is Raghu from chinthamani I completed puc so I want job but plzz tell me minimum date of birth my date of birth is 2000 so I am eligible for it sir?

  12. Mohan c r says:

    Sir My percentage in puc 77 and study in science and math pcmb
    Eligible or not sir

  13. Suma says:

    Sir how many ssc post in Karnataka pls reply

  14. Basawaraj says:

    Sir send me the syllabus of
    Ssc chsl exam

  15. Anand k says:

    Tell me about selection procedure sir

  16. Yuvi says:

    Thank you for your website ✌💐✌💐✌💐✌💐✌✌✌✌💐✌✌✌💐💐 it is a best website for our karnataka

  17. shashikumar says:

    I am shashikumar sir postal assistant and sorting assistant post ge computer beka. And exams irutte or direct selection

    • Computer certificate is not required. But, in Tier III, you have to pass with typing test. Selection for these posts are not through Direct Recruitment. It will be done through Competitive examinations only.

  18. shashikumar says:

    Sir my application is registered please give me registration number

  19. shashikumar says:

    Sir please give me registration numbet

  20. shashikumar says:

    Please give me registration number suddnly sir/medam

  21. Prashant Kalakeri says:

    Sir nanna age 31/5/2000 OK na

  22. Apsara says:

    Sir I am Apsara my qualification is BBM how to apply the application please update me

  23. Ram says:

    Wen ssc 2017 admit card will release?? Pls reply sir…

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