Karnataka Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC) re-announced the date of Online Test for the recruitment of Grade-3 Supervisory Posts under notification No. 3/2016 and 4/2016. KSRTC will be a conducting Online Common Aptitude Test (CAT) for the above posts on 19.08.2017.
DATE OF ONLINE EXAM (CAT) : 19.08.2017
[mks_button size=”medium” title=”Notification No: 3/2016″ style=”squared” url=”http://ksrtc1.online-ap1.com/Notification-03-2016-Sup-Inservice.pdf” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#1a8cff” txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-arrow-circle-right” icon_type=”fa”]
[mks_button size=”medium” title=”Notification No: 4/2016″ style=”squared” url=”http://ksrtc1.online-ap1.com/Notification-04-2016-Sup-General.pdf” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#1a8cff” txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-arrow-circle-right” icon_type=”fa”] |
[mks_button size=”medium” title=”Download Admit Card” style=”squared” url=”https://admit.online-ap1.com/KS05R02TC0101CL2/Login.aspx” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#ff3300″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-arrow-circle-right” icon_type=”fa”] |
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putturu d.k 574241
when you conduct the CAT exams of notiffication number :02/2016
It’s concel bro
What is this